Anna Raadsveld
Anna Raadsveld (1990) is a European actress.
At the age of 17 Anna starred in the film-hit Timboektoe (2007) followed by several Dutch TV productions. Her national breakthrough came with the feature LelleBelle (2010), produced in 2010 by Pupkin Film, where she played the lead as Belle.
After several TV series and films she attended the Maastricht Academy of Performing Arts where she graduated in 2014.
She became a well known actress on screen as well as on stage, working for the famous Toneelgroep Amsterdam (Othello and Opening Night), and starred with the Nationale Toneel in Solness, a role for which she received a prestigious Colombina nomination in 2016. In 2015 she played the lead in the TV series Goedenavond, dames en heren (2015). In 2016 the feature Riphagen (2017) was shown at the annual Dutch Filmfestival in Utrecht.

- Oct 08, 2010
- Dutch
19-year old Belle practices playing the violin diligently, but is unable to impart her music with a sensitive undertone. Her life changes when she discovers that sexual desire stimulates passion in her music.