Waverly Corinne Meier

Waverly Corinne Meier

Born in Fort Worth, Waverly became involved in the industry at 7 years old after being encouraged by a family friend already involved in the business. Since then, Waverly has steadfastly and passionately stayed the course in her pursuit to entertain and make others laugh. She currently has multiple projects anticipated for release in 2022, and continues to work on her comedic and creative interests. She is also an accomplished athlete in multiple sports, a devoted equestrian, and has a myriad of creative interests - including her first fantasy/adventure episodic script. Waverly resides in the Los Angeles area with her parents, two older brothers, two dogs, 4 guinea pigs, and her beloved "ho-ney" (large pony) named Magic.
Waverly Corinne Meier


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