Franklin Correa

Franklin Correa

Is of Dominican (Father) and Italian-Irish (Mother) descent. Holds a 5th degree black belt in Ninjutsu, under his teacher Dr. Dan McEaddy in November 2016 and also inducted into the Circle of the Masters and World Karate Union (WKU). Has only one sibling, a brother who is 5 1/2 years younger then him. Usually writes screenplays for films with him and his close friends in the industry keeping all close like family helping one another, and is known for making no budget feature films sometimes with no script. Always works with a close network of friends on every film which include Robert Parham, Bryan C.King, Valentin Montero, Alanzo Phillip's, Marc Fratto along with many others just to name a few, keeping everyone close like family. On November 22nd 2020 Mr. Correa suffered a massive heart attack while sleeping what was able to wake up and make it to the hospital where the doctors said he should be dead but he must be alive for a reason and someone must be watching over him by the grace of God. Now in 2021 he tends to remake his very first feature film with a different title DEVOURED, once again paying homage to his favorite director John Carpenter.
Franklin Correa


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