Nathan Hill

Nathan Hill

Nathan Hill is an actor, writer, producer and director. Having gained success with his film The Strange Game of Hyde and Seek (2004), Tomboys (2009) and Model Behaviour (2013), his film opened the Australian Film Festival. He is a Shriekfest Finalist and California Film Award Winner. Revenge of the Gweilo (2016), in which he acted & directed, won the Indie Gathering International Film Festival, along with a host of others. He has acted in all mediums of the entertainment world, with his debut to the stage playing Peter Pan and his screen debut as a vampire in Queen of the Damned (2002).
Nathan Hill


Sex Down Under
  • Nov 11, 2019
  • English
Sex is a huge part of our lives, our very existence depends on it. Yet it's treated and practiced differently in every society. Explore sexuality down under, from the extraordinary to the taboo, in this fascinating must see documentary revealing the sexual traditions and practices of people in Australia.