Catalina Caraus

Catalina Caraus

Catalina Caraus is a Moldovian/Romanian singer/actress born in a leap year (29 of February, 1992) in Chisinau,Moldova, being the only child of Constantin and Mariana Caraus. She started her singing career at the age of 16 while her first depute in film was at the age of 19. She moved to England at the age of 17 and graduated from Bellerbys College(2010) and Kingston University (2013) where she did Music and Drama. Catalina was nominated for one of the 100 most sexy Moldovan women in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Catalina Caraus


Mr. Misunderstanding
  • Jul 14, 2020
  • English
A cross-cultural romance and an intercultural friendship between Ram, Rosy and Anu goes through a roller coaster ride of love, laughter and misunderstandings.