Paul Holbrook

Paul Holbrook

Paul Holbrook is a working-class writer-director and award-winning filmmaker who grew up on a rough, poverty-stricken council estate in Bristol. Despite a lack of formal education, Paul started out as a screenwriter, writing feature-length scripts for the spec market and made encouraging progress, advancing in various industry-backed screenwriting competitions including Page, Shore, Screencraft and in 2018 made the final 1% of The Academy Nicholl Fellowship with his coming-of-age feature 'Snog'. Driven by a passion to direct his own work he has worked on a plethora of successful short films across varying genres and his work has screened at festivals around the world including many Bafta and Oscar qualifiers, winning many awards along the way. Paul is developing an exciting slate of film and TV projects as he works towards his debut feature.
Paul Holbrook


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