Santhanam is a Tamil film actor, who began acting in films, debuting in 'Pesatha Kannum Pesume' in a small role. After the success of the Lollu Sabha he re-entered in to the Tamil films in Manmadhan (2004) alongside Silambarasan Rajendar and later acted alongside the Tamil film industry's top stars, including Rajinikanth, Vijay, Ajith, Surya Sivakumar, Karthi Sivakumar, Jayam Ravi, Arya, and countless others, as well as multiple films with Silambarasan. He played the lead role in Arai Enn 305-il Kadavul (2008), along with Prakash Raj. Unlike veteran comedians like Vadivelu and Vivek, who usually act in a comedy track separate from the main plot, Santhanam plays the role of the hero's friend (and sometimes, foil), contributing more to the actual story. He won the Vijay Award for Best Comedian in 2010 for his role in Siva Manasula Sakthi (2009). He received wide praise for his roles in films directed by M. Rajesh, such as Siva Manasula Sakthi (2009) and Boss Engira Baskaran (2010).
A family inadvertently witnesses a murder and devises a scheme to profit from it, sparking a chain of comical mishaps.
- Feb 02, 2024
- Tamil
An atheist tries to con the residents of his village by playing on their religious beliefs. However his plan is disrupted due to a government order. What happens next ?
The protagonist and his friends hides a bag full of money and jewels in a haunted bungalow to ditch the police. When he goes to retrieve the bag, a ghost makes him play a survival game in order to leave with the bag.
Kannayiram, a detective, forcefully staying in his native village for the asset dispute of his family heirloom. Aadhirai, a documentary filmmaker who visits the village for her Project work meets Kannayiram for her interview.
Certain circumstances get an innocent guy into a serious issue involving millions of money and his life turns upside down.
- Sep 09, 2021
- Tamil
A man travels back in time to change his unpleasant past and face the consequences. Where will he finally land up ?