Vaughn Collar

Vaughn Collar

Vaughn has recently become much more involved in acting, after a small appearance in God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness. Watching very experienced actors such as Tatum O' Neal, Ted McGinley and John Corbett, and getting a chance to learn from them, has inspired him to more work. Starting a couple of years ago, after watching his daughter Morgan acting, but unable to find roles for her age, he began to see if getting into the field would help him find roles for his daughter. Since then, Vaughn has appeared in several student films, along with upcoming appearances in Preacher Six and Life's Masquerade. He has done some stage work, appearing in local productions of Hamlet and It's a Wonderful Life. He has also done commercial work and voice overs for independent productions. He is married, very happily so, to Linda, and has one daughter, Morgan. He calls both Little Rock, AR and Vancouver, BC his home towns, after spending 12 years in British Columbia during his teen and early adult years.
Vaughn Collar


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