Malayalam film actor Mammootty was born to Ismail (an agriculturist) and Fatima (a homemaker). He had two younger brothers Ibrahim and Zakariah; and three sisters, Ameena, Sauda and Shafina. He did his high school (pre-degree) at Maharaja's College, Thevara and then studied law at Ernakulam Government Law College. It was during his days at Maharajah's that he got his first role as an extra (junior artist) in Anubhavangal Paalichakal. Along with Mohanlal, he has One of good actor in Mollywood.
- Feb 08, 2023
- Hindi
A maverick, vigilante cop who is forced to misbehave the limits of law when the system fails. It weaves across past and present whilesolving the motives and moral bruises that shape his actions.
In this Malayalam-Tamil drama, an irritable James wakes up on a bus believing he is Sundaram, a man who disappeared from a quiet village years ago.
When a political leader's sudden death sets off a baffling case for police, it's up to ace detective Sethurama Iyer to unravel the mystery.
As a college professor's brutal murder sparks student unrest, a cop launches an investigation while a lawyer seeks justice in the courtroom.