Kaloyan Paterkov

Kaloyan Paterkov

Kaloyan Paterkov is actor and director. He was born on January 28, 1982 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Kaloyan fell in love with the theater and began his acting career at the Apart Theater, Plovdiv. Later, he was admitted to the National Academy in Sofia with Prof. Jeni and Petar Pashov, where he studied acting for puppet theater. In 2010 he began studying film directing at NBU with Stefan Komandarev and Georgi Dyulgerov. His first leading role is in the movie "Bulgaria, this eternal heresy" (2013), where he plays a saxophonist who seeks the best place to live. Kaloyan has numerous appearances in commercials, TV series and theater productions. In 2014, his short film "Contre Jour" was nominated for Best Short Bulgarian Film by the Bulgarian Film Academy.
Kaloyan Paterkov


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