Frank Hvam

Frank Hvam

Frank Hvam grew up with dogs and ducks on a farm in Ørum Sønderlyng - 14 kilometers off Viborg in Jutland, Denmark. He helped his father take care of the dogs in the family hobby kennels. Spending his childhood as a young 'Dr. Doolittle' led him to the idea, that he would make a good veterinary. So in 1992 he attended the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen. Here he met famed Danish stand-up comedian Jan Gintberg, who studied agriculture. After two years studying, he decided to leave the cows and go for comedy. He had his debut as a stand-up comedian at legendary comedy club 'Din's' in 1995. His shows led to a job as writer on the Mette Lisby show 'Ugen der gak' (Danish TV2). Soon he got his own show Alt under kontrol (TV3). From here he was headhunted for for the making of the hit series _Casper og Mandrilaftalen (1999)_ (Danish DR1) - which he created with Casper Christensen, Lars Hjortshøj og Lasse Rimmer. On the show he starred in a number of roles including the sympathic naziphedofile cannibal Gentleman Finn. This led to the making of the first Danish fullscale sit-com _Langt fra Las Vegas (2001)_, which is written by Frank Hvam, Casper Christensen and scriptwriter 'Lars Kjeldgaard'.
Frank Hvam


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