Gary Bullock

Gary Bullock

Born July 19, 1941 and raised in Elizabethton, Tennessee, Gary's father, Robert Bullock, was a great movie fan. Thus, Gary watched a lot of films as a small boy, from Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers to Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, and, of course, Roy Rogers. Fascinated with acting, Gary nonetheless first began his professional life as a computer programmer, working at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and at the Millstone Radar site in New England. He abandoned that career path to become an actor later in life, and met his wife, Mil Nicholson, during a stage production of 'The Crucible'. They now record audio books, with Mil performing all the characters of Charles Dickens' novels. Gary Bullock worked on narrating a documentary about the 325th Fighter Group during World War II, called 'The Checkertails'. He has authored two screenplays: 'Elsewhen', a sci-fi romance (based on his novel 'The Elsewhen Gene') and 'Ridge Runner' (described as "a true Civil War story"). In his spare time, he has built and flown three dozen model aircraft, with the number growing.
Gary Bullock


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