William Foley

William Foley

Currently residing in Toronto, William was born in Montreal where he trained at The Dome Theatre (Dawson College Professional Theatre Program) graduating, with honours, in 1995. Within a month he'd booked his first professional gig with Repercussion Theatre's Shakespeare in the Park where he began compiling his admittedly 'Shakespeare-heavy' resume. Having been trusted with some of the greatest and most challenging characters in theatre, from Iago to Richard III, Oberon to Macbeth, Belch to Mercutio and on and on... he'll assure you that he can still 'talk all modern, yo'. William has a penchant for whim and vagabonding which is evident by the various gaps in his resume. As important as acting is to him, life and adventure is as well and each jaunt to the other side of the country to work on a fishing boat or live on an island somewhere has opened new and interesting doors and experiences for him. Mostly. A character driven performer, his choices and offerings often take scenes down new and interesting paths. He is often told that he brings humanity to even the darkest of characters. William thrives on direction and knows his place as an actor, and when the door is open for collaboration, directors take note of his creativity and imagination. Despite being an easy-going person by nature who gets along easily with most folks, he seems to land more villain roles than anything else. He swears he has comedic chops too. Really. He's funny damn it.
William Foley


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