Giana Claudette Peralta

Giana Claudette Peralta

Giana Claudette was born in California, has one younger sibling, Clarissa Giselle, & is the first born daughter of Giovanni & Catherine Peralta. She has attended Sacred Heart Catholic School, California Academic Virtual Academy for elementary school and is enrolled with Kolbe Academy for her high school curriculum. She studied lyrical, ballet & jazz dance genres for over 9 years at Valverde School of Performing Arts. She sang in various venues like Disneyland, Knottt's Berry Farm & at USC. She is active in her church choir & cantors. Her debut in singing & dancing came from performing with the VSPA Expressions group from 2008-2013 and her first acting role came from a bit part in 'Alice in Wonderland Jr.' in 2008 at the Lewis Family Playhouse in Rancho Cucamonga.
Giana Claudette Peralta


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