Felicity Feline

Felicity Feline

Felicity is a multifaceted artist, entertainer and health industry expert based out of Los Angeles, California. She is a certified nutrition coach, a certified yoga instructor, a professional drummer, music-artist and aspiring DJ. She is also an actress and model (both adult and mainstream), writer, photographer, motorcyclist, dancer, event host and promoter. She has a college background in graphic design, photography, and nutrition. She has worked for many nutritional companies, magazines and websites as a consultant, sales rep, and freelance artist. As an athlete and fitness enthusiast, she enjoys outdoor fitness, dirt-biking and motorcycle riding. Growing up she was also heavily involved in sports including soccer, lacrosse, gymnastics, dirt-biking, and volleyball. Her journey in yoga also began at an early age when she first dove into the practice to strengthen and straighten out her spine.
Felicity Feline


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