William Wesley
William Wesley began his movie career shooting both documentaries and training films while serving in the US Army. After attending Florida International University, where he majored in theatre, Wesley made his excellent and impressive feature film debut with the eerie and unsettling low-budget zombie horror variant "Scarecrows." He then directed "The Maker" episode of the fun anthology TV series "Monsters." Wesley also worked as a story development exec for Nightfall Films, under a "housekeeping deal" with Trimark Pictures. After a regrettably lengthy 13 year absence from directing features, William made a welcome comeback with the nifty "danger on the road" living dead entry "Route 666." Wesley was born in Cuba. When he was three years old, his family moved to America, where they settled in New York City and started several business, including Cuban restaurants and a hardware store. Wesley attributes (or blames) his macabre sensibility on growing up in the urban jungle of NYC and playing too long with sharp tools in the family hardware store.


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