Monique Cynthia Brown

Monique Cynthia Brown

Monique Cynthia Brown is a British actress best known for her role in the 2019 Black Mirror episode, Striking Vipers. Born in the northern town of Huddersfield, Monique spent her early years training as a dancer and gained her degree at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance. After experiencing an injury, she decided to pursue a career in the British film industry and would go on to have a career spanning 10 years on international blockbuster films. Monique however never lost her passion for performing so in 2017 went to New York to study acting. She began her acting career within 6 months of starting her training when cast in Striking Vipers and would then go on to be in award-winning short film, Better Than Somedays. Monique is based and working in London.
Monique Cynthia Brown


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