Kai Blackwood

Kai Blackwood

Kai Blackwood is a New Haven, CT native. He wrote and directed the award-winning short film, "Cupcake". "Cupcake" went online and became a surprise hit on YouTube, garnering half a million views on word of mouth, alone - as well as a fiercely loyal following that have been clamoring for a feature film version. The success of "Cupcake" led to Blackwood's feature directorial debut with the sic-fi/horror drama, "Grey Skies". Also a multiple award-winner, "Grey Skies" was a micro-budget feature film that went on to secure worldwide DVD distribution and was also picked up by Netflix. Blackwood is also the leader of the rock trio, the Tokyo Death Squad and was the subject of the notorious 2010 documentary, "I Sold My Soul To Satan".
Kai Blackwood


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