Paul Renteria
At age 7, Paul was first inspired to act, ride motorcycles & horses when he met Actor/Martial Artist Bruce Lee working out on a trampoline in the back yard of his neighbor, Martial Artist Bob Bremer & his brother Freddy on Elm Street in Alhambra CA (Bob a welder, who liked to wear a fedora, made a Steel hand for Halloween, which coincidentally & conceptually appeared in "Enter the Dragon", "Nightmare on Elm Street" & "Edward Scissorhands"). Bob's other friends included the late Motorcyclist Bill Laidlaw of the Laidlaw Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Family, who would bring over a different motorcycle every weekend and tell the kids to dream about growing up and exchanging their sting-ray bicycles for Harleys. Predominately a Chicano Neighborhood, this Elm Street attracted the 1960s avant-garde crowd of the San Gabriel Valley, which included many future celebrities & athletes. Another neighbor, Ben Rizzio had horses in a field back then and was friends with many Cowboys & Actors. The networking, camaraderie and visits by so many well-known people were a surreal experience absorbed by a young Paul.
At Emery Park Elementary School in Alhambra, Paul was Student Body President and a City Football All-Star and was usually picked to be in plays and presentations.
Later when in high school, he rode his horse across the set of the Television show, "The Incredible Hulk" filming a rodeo scene at the Pico Rivera Sports Arena/Charro Lienzo in Pico Rivera, California and was encouraged by the producers & director to pursue acting utilizing his great horsemanship abilities. He was hired for a few days to help keep the locals safely away from Lou Ferrigno between takes; meanwhile, his parents persuaded him to return to his studies.
Though he didn't know it at the time, the business continued to pursue Paul. As a junior college engineering student he worked for a summer as a draftsman, unknowingly, for Robert Redford's then brother-in-law Gary Van Wagenen for Cooperative Education College Units.
As a Santa Fe Railroad Surveyor and Engineering Inspector, Paul was called upon to protect several Production Companies filming on or around railroad property & in between train movements, and was again approached & advised by various producers and directors to consider Acting.
Paul's late girlfriend, Marjorie Volk Saccio ("La Mariquita"-RIP), a Nurse & Mariachi Violinist from San Diego, California who had studied in Santa Fe, New Mexico and had visited the set of "The Milagro Beanfield War" (Paul & Margie's favorite movie), also encouraged him to act.
Finally recognizing the message behind all of these "coincidences" and taking heed, Paul then in his early thirties started Acting. Paul's 1st film, "Por Vida" (USC), screened at the Sundance Film Festival; his 2nd film, "Pancho Villa" (LMU), was helmed by, coincidentally, Robert Redford's & Gary Van Wagenen's nephew Matthew Van Wagenen, future Music Video Guru Dave Meyers, and David King.
Paul wrote to the CEO's of All The American Beer Companies about Chicanos being the largest group of beer drinkers that he had seen, yet were invisible in their advertising. Miller Lite responded by casting Paul in 8 "Men of the Square Table" Man Laws National Commercials. Paul also wrote to The Harley-Davidson Motor Company & Chevy, who cast him as well.
Though often assumed by many to be a street hoodlum while growing up, Paul was a straight "A" student, who only played that role when necessary, as he was too busy studying, riding horses & motorcycles and dreaming. Paul contributes to various Charities and participates in many Motorcycle Charity Events and Children's Toy Runs.
In 2013 & 2014, Paul took a sabbatical from Hollywood to travel to North Dakota, Montana, New Mexico & Texas on a great journey, researching and working on unique railroad construction projects as a Construction Engineer for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. Paul built up his railroad pension and has since retired after 36 years with the railroad.
Paul is back in Hollywood, studying and reacquainting himself with Casting Directors with his best work to date. Paul is a young Chicano Morgan Freeman in training, ready to transcend ALL Roles when given the opportunity!

- Nov 10, 2006
Jim Davis is an ex-Army Ranger who finds himself slipping back into his old life of petty crime after a job offer from the LAPD evaporates. His best friend is pressured by his girlfriend Sylvia to find a job, but Jim is more interested in hanging out and making cash from small heists, while trying to get a law enforcement job so he can marry his Mexican girlfriend.