Whittney Millsap

Whittney Millsap

Whittney Millsap is an actor and improviser, located in Atlanta. She has been an improv company member at Dad's Garage since 2010, where she has performed in many scripted shows and continues to perform improv shows weekly. Whittney can also often be found performing improv with her duo groups, Diamond Scrapyard and The Other Woman. When she isn't performing or teaching, Whittney is often participating in collaborations with various artist groups, such as Terminus Modern Theatre Ballet and Atlanta Opera. These collaborations often lead to new artistic endeavors, such as the group ImprOper- comprised of improvisers and opera singers- who create completely improvised operas together. Whittney loves creating, teaching, performing, and continues to pursue her television and film career in Atlanta.
Whittney Millsap


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