Florian Francois

Florian Francois

Florian François is a bilingual, dual citizen (France-Canada) actor, producer and writer As a film and TV actor, Florian has starred in series such as 'Amélie et Compagnie', 'Good Witch', or 'Paranormal Survivor', commercials, and many short feature length films and series including: 'Quebexit', 'Titan Down' or 'Cheers to Reunions'. In 2017, Bell Media picked up his series Rencontres, which was adapted from the award winning short film Rencontre (Best Actor, Best Film TAPFest 2016). With his co producer Brennan Martin, he wrote, produced and starred in the 10 episode series. Also a theatre performer, Florian has toured with various companies across Ontario. As an improviser, he graduated from the LongForm Conservatory at Second City and regularly performs at festivals around the country in English and French. In 2017, he directed his first film Glove me tender. Other talents include voice acting (credits include TV shows, films and commercials).
Florian Francois


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