Paul Fairlie
Paul Michael Fairlie (Stage name: Unique Umali) is a British Actor, Music Producer and Song Writer. Paul was born and raised in East London, England. His mother, Elena, is from The Philippines and worked as a Nurse in Plaistow Hospital; his father, Michael, is from England and was a porter at the same hospital where they first met.
Paul attended school in Forest Gate, where he first became involved in acting and music. He gained a place at C.O.N.E.L in Tottenham to study sound engineering where he discovered the skill of music production. He later became one of the founding members of the super producer duo Hot Property under the stage name "Unique Umali" which he still is known by today.
Paul has appeared in a wide variety of film, commercials and television productions. He has screen combat training which has included unarmed fighting, the use of swords, knifes, firearms and his weapon of choice the Nunchuku which he picked up as a child being an avid fan of Bruce Lee.


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