Feridun Düzagaç

Feridun Düzagaç

Feridun Düzagaç is a Turkish rock music singer and songwriter, usually known for his pessimistic and melancholic songs. Feridun Düzagaç started his music career by forming a band called "TINI" ("TONE") in Mersin while studying in university. This band was formed in 1988 and Feridun Düzagaç was the vocalist of this band consisting five musicians. Other members of the band were Feridun Düzagaç's schoolmates. The first song that Feridun Düzagaç wrote was "Lavinia" which was a poem originally written by famous Turkish poet Özdemir Asaf. In 1990, Feridun Düzagaç and his 13 schoolmates wrote a book called "Ilk Rüzgar" ("The First Wind") which contained many poems. In 1992, he graduated from the university. In November 1994, he released a demo album called "Ögrenci Indirimi" ("Student Discount") which contained songs that he performed when he was studying in university. In January 1997, he released his debut official album called "Beni Rahatta Dinleyin" ("Listen to Me in Comfort"). This album contained songs that he wrote when he was bearing arms. He released his second official album called "Köprüden Önce Son Çikis" ("The Last Exit Before the Bridge") in July 1998. In 2000, he participated in a compilation album called "Bülent Ortaçgil'e Saygi" ("In Honour of Bülent Ortaçgil") by performing a song called "Sevgi" ("Love"). He released "Tüm Haklari Yalnizligima Aittir" ("All Rights Reserved to My Loneliness") album in May 2001 and "Orjinal - Alt Yazili" ("Original - Subtitled") album in 2003. The second one was the most successful album in his career. In August 2004 he released "Uzun Uzun Feridun Düzagaç" ("Long Long Feridun Düzagaç") album which mostly contained concert performances. Through 2004 Feridun Düzagaç appeared in hundreds of concerts.
Feridun Düzagaç


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