Geoff Blackwell

Geoff Blackwell

Geoff Blackwell is an award-winning publisher, author, photographer and film director. He was an originating publisher for Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, and has conceived and developed numerous best-selling books, exhibitions, and film projects principally focussed on humanity, equality and the environment. His most notable personal projects include "M.I.L.K.: Moments of Intimacy, Laughter and Kinship"; "200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World"; "mewe: Love, Humanity and Us"; "Human Nature: Planet Earth In Our Time"; and "I Know This to Be True", a series made in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation focussed on leaders that became the basis for the Netflix documentary series "Live to Lead" that he also created and directed.
Geoff Blackwell


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