Patrick Aliev

Patrick Aliev

"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney Patrick Aliev (1995) was born in Alkmaar, raised in a Polish-Russian culture, but grew up in a Dutch society. The Russian fighting spirit and the Polish kindheartedness play a pro dominant role in his life. As a child Partick used to fantasize about becoming an actor and trained all kinds of sports: Judo, gymnastics, breakdance, basketball and soccer while maintaining a semi professional focus on judo for 6 years. In 2011 Patrick changed passions and started training Freerunning. As one of the first Freerunners in the Netherlands Patrick grew to the top and has been working as a professional Freerunner ever since. Nowadays you can find his work in television shows, many video clips and commercials. After landing the lead role in a Assassins Creed short film, he couldn't deny his childhood dream of becoming an actor. He started taking weekly lessons from Josja Hamann, graduated the Film Actors Academy Amsterdam (faaam) and studied with some of the best acting teachers in Los Angeles at the Stelle Adler Acting Academy for over a year.
Patrick Aliev


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