Geneviève Brunet

Geneviève Brunet

Still very active at the age of 74, Geneviève Brunet has had a long and prestigious career (spanning over 55 years) in the theatre, as an actress and a director (often jointly with her twin sister Odile Mallet). She even designed the settings and the costumes of several stage plays. After studying drama at the Conservatoire de Paris (with Odile of course), Geneviève debuted in the early fifties in Yougoslavia where she played Célimène in Molière's 'Le misanthrope'. She then became a member of the Théâtre Français company for one year and some time later of the famous Théâtre National Populaire led by Jean Vilar. She appeared in an amazing number of famous plays by famous authors: Corneille (Le Cid), Molière (Tartuffe, Les femmes savantes, Le bourgeois gentilhomme), Goldoni (La Locandiera, La veuve rusée, L'intrigante amoureuse, Les rustres), Beaumarchais (Le mariage de Figaro), Balzac (le faiseur), Feydeau (Occupe-toi d'Amélie), Pirandello (Chacun sa vérité), Giraudoux (La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu, Amphitryon 38, L'impromptu de Paris, L'Apollon de Bellac), Ionesco (Le roi se meurt). Brunet's appearances on TV and in movies have been more sporadic and less impressive. Her roles have been few, most often of minor importance. Theater has clearly been the passion of her life and has naturally come first. A great master she has served well and faithfully.
Geneviève Brunet


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