Aaron Thiesse

Aaron Thiesse

Aaron Thiesse was born in Hannover and educated at the Berliner Schule für Schauspiel. He has performed in a number of film, TV and stage productions, such as "Der Todmacher, "Im Jahre des Hundes" directed by Dennis Gansel, the award-winning short "Bruederlich" as well the Haudegen music video "Verloren im Wind" distributed by Warner Music and can be seen in a German Sky advert. He played Nick in "Insomnambulists" for G.O. cross media production in Bremen as well as Jake, a chemistry major with a demanding girlfriend, in "Stellar" as well as the recently-dumped Nico in the short drama "Samstag" (Saturday), both also produced by G.O. cross media production and directed by Stefan Malschofsky.
Aaron Thiesse


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