Movies by Wolof
- Aug 04, 2019
- English
What is anime? Through deep-dives with notable masterminds of this electrifying genre, this fast-paced peek behind the curtain seeks to find the answers.
A lawyer is caught in a terrifying game of cat and mouse when a drink with an old friend escalates into an obsession that jeopardizes everyone she loves.
After spending a wild night together, Adri discovers the only way to see Carla again is to become a patient at the psychiatric center where she resides.
A gifted but insecure woman embarks on a transformative journey when she enlists an enigmatic con man to recover her stolen car from an eccentric thug.
Tragedy, betrayal and a mysterious discovery fuel a woman's vengeance for the loss of her tribe and family in this special episode of "Kingdom."
When two newlyweds must live apart due to a unique job prospect, their long-distance marriage and extended family make for both hassles and hilarity.
When a restless spirit curses a village that has a history of female infanticide, the town's fate lies in the hands of a 10-year-old girl.
- Apr 18, 2019
- Hindi
A dejected small-town music teacher grapples with guilt and regret when his ex-pupil who once loved him returns home as the star he always wanted to be.
Following a partner swap experiment — with a "no sex" rule — four friends reunite at a beach house to face the unexpected fallout together.
After she's left at the altar, a workaholic advertising executive ends up on her Caribbean honeymoon cruise with her estranged father.
When a slum dweller spins a web of lies in pursuit of the upward mobility he has long craved, his ruse could be especially dangerous for his young son.
- Apr 21, 2021
- EnglishHindiPortugueseSpanishGermany
Journalists and fans await Ma Anand Sheela as the infamous former Rajneesh commune’s spokesperson returns to India after decades for an interview tour.
- Oct 11, 2018
- EnglishGermanyPortugueseSpanishJapanese
Revisiting 1970s photos of women that captured a feminist awakening, this film explores those women's lives and examines the continued need for change.
Demoted to an academy job, a cop trains five foolhardy students as assassins in his risky revenge plot against police corruption and the underworld.
Using special powers from a magical mask, a young WWE fan causes chaos when he enters a wrestling competition and fights an intimidating rival.